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Victor “Vigo” Gonzalez is a high-spirited Certified Personal Trainer and Licensed Massage Therapist.
Born and raised in New York City, Victor currently works out, trains and delivers his individually designed program in Manhattan and the neighboring areas.
Victor guides clients through a learning path
that teaches how falling in love with
exercise can make us all feel great about
our body, mind and at the same time, be
more connected with our inner self,
spiritually. Victor encourages all to get active
by designing and tailor making a
program (The VigoFitBodyProgram) that is
fun and challenging. The time is NOW!
The VigoFitBody Program incorporates a system of specific exercises that avoid becoming trapped to a given modality and doing so by keeping workouts-time more powerful, engaging and fun. The program includes facilitated stretching, core balance and stabilization, strength and conditioning, cardio and nutritional counseling. The result is to meet clients’ goals effectively and efficiently. No two workouts are alike, keeping from reaching plateaus that most gym-goers experience.